
20rds - 223 Remington 62gr. Premier Match Hollow Point Ammo

20rds - 223 Remington 62gr. Premier Match Hollow Point Ammo

This is 223 Remington 62gr. Premier Match Hollow Point Ammo. Remington Premier Ammunition offers the shooter and hunter one of the greatest varieties of premium bullet designs ever introduced, combined with strict manufacturing tolerances to create ammunition any shooter would be willing to use on that shot of a lifetime. The velocity is 3025fps and the energy is 1260ft-lbs. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases. This ammo comes packed in 20rd. boxes.

Part Number: R223R6

Brand: Remington Ammunition

On Hand: 104 available

Sold: 0

Price: $25.95

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